Saturday, November 9, 2013

How long Displaced Families from Pakistan Occupied Areas of J&K would be made to wait for return
 Daya Sagar  
dayasagarMay be  25 to 30% of the total population of J&K is today living in distress, neglect and in  uncertainties in their own county. But their agony has, if not been overlooked, been atleast left uncared for.
No doubt Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir , a Princely State of British Empire (British Indian Empire), as it existed in August 1947 have been drawing the attention of all those who are concerned  for  the affairs of  India but  it is not only since 1990 (after migration from Kashmir Valley) that J&K State and her people have been the victim of circumstances, it has been right since 1947.
The agony started with the  1947 Partition of India and then it was due to Pakistan sponsored so called tribal attack in October 1947 on  J&K. The onslaught still continued thereafter in the form of disturbances along the international borders (IB) as well as Line of Control (LOC)  followed by 1965 and 1971 Indo- Pak wars. And then followed open onslaught in 1989 by militants / separatists under the influence of the separatist ideologies and migration  took place from Kashmir Valley  ( more than 95 % of the Kashmir Valley migrants comprised of local Hindu  of J&K ).The far flung areas of Jammu Region adjoining Kashmir Valley were also simultaneously ( 1990) affected by militancy but it was only the migration from Kashmir Valley that had been made to draw more of attention and care.
Almost all the Hindu population  was  displaced from Pakistan Occupied Areas ( Mirpur, Kotli, Deva  Batala, Bhimbar, Muzaffarabad, Gilgit, etc)  of Jammu & Kashmir State   in 1947 Sept -Oct / November onwards due to  Pakistan aided / sponsored/ tribal  attacks.  There was hardly any displaced family that had not lost a family member during the onslaught. Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, the then Prime Minister of J&K in 1950 named the uprooted local people of J&K as Displaced Persons vide order No. 1476-C of 1950 dated 16.12.1950  while those who had left Jammu & Kashmir and gone to Pakistan ( West Punjab) on their own were termed as migrants. This clearly shows the graveness of the conditions under which these people had to leave POJK.
But the neglect of these families could be well assessed from the fact that so far neither Government of India  nor Government of J&K has initiated any process  even for  their regular registration and for their number count but to talk of providing logical socio- economic support . Secretary to J&K Government ( Rehabilitation -1974 Department ), Jammu in response to views sought vide communication No. RS5 (18)/78-Com. II dated 27 July, 1979 by a Rajay Sabha Committee on Petitions  ( Persons uprooted from Pak occupied areas of J&K State ) had  Vide letter No. RAHAB-9/II/79 dated 27.11.79  summarised that (a) a large number of DPs went out side J&K State and out of those who remained within the State a large number joined the Camps when those were established (b) there was no agency to register these refugees immediately on their entry into the State  (c)  there  was no formal; registration of these DPs and the only considered registration is declaration forms filed in response to notice( by GOI)  inviting applications ( only from those families who had moved out from POJK areas during Sept 1947 – Dec 1950 , those whose income was less than Rs.300 /pm and those whose head of family too had moved out along with family) for ex gratia grant  (1960). The number of total applications received was 31696. So strangely inspite of all this  as per note furnished by Ministry of Supply and Rehabilitation (Department of Rehabilitation) GOI in 1978 to a Rajya Sabha Committee on petitions ( as made by Late Bachchan Singh Panchi on behalf of Jammu Kashmir Sharnarthi Action Committee ) it was conveyed that as a result of Partition of the country followed by subsequent Pakistani aggression about 31600 (about 135000 persons) families had left their homes from Pak occupied areas of J&K. Where as no public notice has been issued for registration on all India basis.
These people have not been even given any claims for their properties left behind. These people belong to the  Category of  Permanent Residents of J&K as per Section-6 of J&K Constitution. As per unofficial estimates may be about 45000 to 50000 families  had to  run for their lives in 1947, some  found shelter in Jammu Province / Ladakh region of J&K and  a large number also went to other Indian States.
Many of them were not able to carry even their personal documents with them and had remained occupied with horrific memories for atleast about 3 decades   before they could even think of making some demands and providing future  socio- economic security to their families who have been all these denied even claims of their properties, left behind, by GOI suggesting that the  POJK areas will be got vacated  and   POJK DPs  will be honorably  return to Mirpur, Muzafarrabad and like areas. But it has never happened even after Indian Parliament passed a resolution on 22nd Feb 1994 for getting the POJK areas vacated from ‘Pakistan’. Instead it was in 1972 that some more area in J&K had been handed over to  Pakistan ( Chamb).
Due to continued uncertainty  education of POJK DPs 1947 suffered, they fell back in employment / trade/ higher education. No special / regular support for trade / education/ employment has been provided to these ‘Permanent Resident’ /State Subjects of J&K all these years. They are told by GOI in case property claims are paid , India can lose claim on POJK areas. For property and material that would cost Rs.1000 in 1947 the compensation would be  atleast Rs.3 to 6 Lac in 2013.How long POJK Displaced persons can wait. Three generations have suffered. May be at today’s scales atleast on average Rs.50 Lac/ family will have to be paid as adhoc grant in aid for properties lost and another around rs.25 Lac to compensate for delayed payments / attention. The first recommendations made by Joint Rehabilitation Board headed by Major General Tara Singh  Bal having on it as members  of State Government Authorities  for  land measuring 12 acres Abi/ 18 acres Khushkee could be  one of the indicators for the purpose.
Going by a likely number of 45000 families ( although no regular registration has been got done by State or central Government )  in 1961, the number of such displaced persons may be in 2013 atleast around  6 to 7 Lac souls or equivalent to over 110000 families. ( 45000x5 *1.25*1.25 = 70312 familiesx5 = 351562 soul  in 1981. And going by 1981and 2011 census figure ratio the population could be taken   in  2011  as  atleast <12500000>x70312 families x5 = 542533),
Many of them including some from amongst those who went to other Indian states did not get their Permanent Resident Certificates made  since they had left all their property / other state subject documents back in POJK while fleeing for life. Hence some of them inspite of being subjects of the then Princely State of J&K are not able to get JK Government Jobs, buy property in J&K and even admission in State Government run professional colleges.So, in case the registration process is started now, may be   due to delay in registration or their having fled  for life in  1947, the needed  documents may not be available with some  DPs. Government will have to find alternatives including  getting their particulars from POJK. The oldest organisation of these people ( J&K Sharnarthi Action Committee  ) has submitted a memorandum Prime Minister of India through Divisional Commissioner Jammu on  25 June 2013 where in among other things it has been demanded that  the areas of J&K in PJOK  should be specifically mentioned  as within the jurisdictions of Divisional Commissioner Jammu and Divisional Commissioner Kashmir   so that  POK DPs who have to obtain Permanent Resident  Certificate / PRC ( including those who may have lost during turmoil/  their elders may have gone for bread earning out side J&K ) can apply to Divisional Commissioner Kashmir or Jammu. Among other things keeping in view the delayed  economic rehabilitation, delayed grants, delayed compensation  and horror under which POK DPs had remained from 1947 to 1960 ( rather till ) 2013, special concessions be given to POJK DP families in education, employment and trade finance for atleast 10 years now onwards.
A Joint Rehabilitation Board headed by the then Major General Tara Singh  Bal having on it as members  of State Government Authorities  had recommended  land measuring 12 acres Abi/ 18 acres Khushkee for the DPs but even that was not given to the affected agriculturalist families. But even the lands at reduced scale ( 2-3 Acres Abi / Irrigated  and 4-6 Acre Khushki / un irrigated ) have not been given to all. It is unfair on the part of government  to pay the  Cash Compensation for land deficiency  not at the present market rate but @ meager amount of Rs. 25000 per Kanal (as was decided in 2008 ) with max limit like Rs.1.5 Lac.  The deficiencies may have to be fulfilled keeping in view the first proposals of Joint Rehabilitation Board headed by the then Major General Tara Singh  Bal   had recommending  land measuring 12 acres Abi/ 18 acres Khushkee. Similarly the decision taken in 2008 to pay Rs.2 Lac to those who were not given plots in urban areas  is very illogical. The amount need be increased to cover the cost of lands in urban areas & construction of residential house in 2013.
So, GOI must immediately issue a notification to register them and their property claims. Rather a POJK DPs Welfare Commission need be appointed to do all data base exercises and workout immediate adhoc compensations.

 ( * Daya Sagar is a Sr coloumnist of Kashmir affairs and a social activist

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